Thursday, May 25, 2006

I'm Too Flexy for My Dress!

Man oh man, flex prims are here and as soon as I could log on to make a flex prim dress, I did. I even did the prim skirt myself! Me, the primtard made summin! Yay! Thank you Blaze Columbia for being encouraging and Lollypop Extraordinaire for your countless YAYs! Too bad I can't post them in second life forums, mine is acting wacky bah! At any rate, this morning, I figured I post my Flex yummy goodness here. The dress is quite simple, can be dressed up or down, and is completely yeeeerrrmmmmyyy! Comes in four colors: Black, Red, Emerald, and Purple! Black is shown here! Available at Vitamin Ci's main store in Extraordinaire!

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